To Cast Or Not To Cast ?
Hello and welcome to Poke a Poke, I am your host Doubles Queen. Today in our digital marketing tools series we shall be discussing Podcasts. That would have been a great introduction for a Podcast. The last topic that was covered in my digital marketing class was “Podcasts and Webinars” but I want to focus on podcasts. A podcast is essentially an audio programme / show. Think of it like talk radio but you can subscribe to it. These casts include a series of auditory episodes based on an overarching theme or topic. Listeners can subscribe to the cast / show through one of many applications such as Apple Podcasts, Audible or Podbay. The in-studio video recordings or streams of some casts can be viewed on streaming and video platforms like Twitch and YouTube. The benefit of a podcast is that it’s convenient as they can be listened to on the website or offline after downloading. You can subscribe to the creator to be kept up to date and listen on whenever you see fit. Som...